Wednesday, February 17, 2010

System Sports Calculator Obama Will Beat McCain But Just Barely?

Obama will beat McCain but just Barely? - system sports calculator

Let me tell you a little about me before you judge me my complexion.

* I've never sat in prison, I have a clean criminal record.
* Employed for 18 years (I'm now 34)
* I got married and then have children
* I am still married to my Mexican wife of 11 years.
* Only Date White Chicks in high school
* Do not listen to rap music and not sag my pants.
* I hate sports as a sports team
* I love action and RPG
Fav RPG Mass Effect and Kotor
Gears Of War Action Fav, now playing Ninja Gaiden 2

I pay attention to facts, not the holder of the latter

I predicted that Obama beat Hillary simply transferred the fight against the use of CNN.

Now Predict Obama McCain hardly exceeds
Electoral College calculator.

I have no room for my e-mail system can tell you explane what I do.

Have the calculator Electoral College?



Janis said...

It is sad that you think you need to be shown a list of all of this information. But ... There are plenty of racist idiots on this matter. OBAMA 08!

gunsrfun... said...

HES will lose 70% of Americans are moderate, radical right, and McCain is the moderate candidate of the extreme right we have, so I predict a landslide victory for McCain. more than most elections, the party is divided and still be lost if it is like the election of 1860. May a extremist or leftist president who came into office and not a miserable failure? I can not

asaki said...

No one can predict how key countries will be .. It is too early. But do not deceive us in this regard .. Obama is not naive and inexperienced, as they do to most of PPL ... can be so bright, so cold and calculating, like a politician .. and as a sign of respect. . they must be!

Republicans R Daft, Inept Dunces said...

Have you ever seen a black girl? I must know this before you respond, yes, I know its importance.

no criminal record is nothing to boast about, it shall be deemed not to have one. Now, please answer my question.


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